If you have been looking for a grow tent, or you are thinking about purchasing one, then it’s important you have all the information you need. You can go ahead and purchase a grow tent with minimal information and then end up having to purchase another one.
You will find everything that you need to know before you settle on a choice, so keep reading down below if you want to find out more.
What Are The Benefits Of A Grow Tent?
If you’re going to purchase a grow tent, it is important you understand why this is a good choice.
First, it is far easier to control the climate and ventilation in a grow tent than it is to try and control an entire room. By doing this, you allow yourself more control over the growth of your cannabis plant, and it is easier to adjust the variables of the room as necessary.
We mentioned above that inside the grow tent, there is usually a reflective interior. As such, the light is used much more efficiently than it would be anywhere else, increasing photosynthesis, and also costing less to provide your plants with everything they need.
There are certain nutrients and amounts of water that your plants are going to need to grow well, and having a grow tent allows you to do this for a fraction of the cost.
Consider What Size You Will Need
The size of the grow tent that you will need to purchase will depend on how many cannabis plants you are going to grow. I have recently read this Vivosun review and got me thinking, you can actually fit various distributions in different size tents.
To work out how much space you’re going to need, you will need to carefully estimate how much space each plant is going to take up, and compare this to the amount of space that is available in a grow tent. There are a number of different sizes for you to choose from, so once you have estimated how much room the plants are going to take up, you can look into the different sizes of grow tent.
For example, if you are going to grow one cannabis plant, then a 24”x24”x48” is a good place to start.
Another factor to consider is whether or not you train your plants. If you do, then they are going to take up more room as they grow wide and low, rather than upwards. If this is something that you do, you will be looking at roughly one plant taking up a 3×3 tent at full grown. Without training the plant, you are going to need less room width-wise and more room length wise.
When looking at size, you also need to consider the height of the grow tent. Ideally, you should stick with the 80-inch standard height because you need to account for the grow light taking up a portion of the height. Don’t forget, you will need to keep a safe distance between the plant, and the grow light, so the height can’t be too small for effective growth. But if you want to be on the safe side, there are tents that have adjustable poles or extension kits just in case your maths was a little off.
What Layout Of Grow Tent Works Best?
Once you have figured out what size grow tent you want to go for, you need to think about the layout. Work out where you are going to put your tent, and how you are going to organize everything in the most efficient way.
The layout that you want to choose will be the one that makes maintaining what is in the tent, and the tent itself, easiest.
It might not seem like a big issue now, but access is incredibly important to the success of the tent and the plants inside. If you don’t have enough room inside the tent, then you may end up damaging it with a tool as you are tending to your plants. Avoiding this is easy, and you just have to plan ahead before you make any final decisions about where to put your equipment.
It is highly recommended that you draw out what you think the grow tent is going to look like, adding dimensions and measurements as you go along.
You can then start putting in where things are going to go, so that when it comes to doing the set-up, you already have an accurate idea in your mind. Ensure that all of your calculations are written on these sheets of paper so that you can go back and adjust as necessary.
Tips For Setting Your Grow Tent Up
Make sure that you have decent electrical access as many of the components of a grow tent can require significant amounts of power. If you can, make sure that you have a circuit that is purely for the grow tent if you are going to choose a medium or large size.
If you are going to be keeping the tent in an occupied room in your home, then you need to look at light-blocking features. Get around zippers, ensure there are plenty of vents and ports on the grow tent, but also that no light is managing to get inside as this could be damaging to your plants.
Go through the set-up carefully to allow for enough room to store all of your tools and supplies. If there isn’t, then you’re going to need somewhere else to store them, but ideally, it’s best to keep them inside the tent where possible.
Final Thoughts
Like everything else, there are different brands of grow tents, and they all come at varying prices. It is important that you set yourself a budget for this and take into account the other factors that we have mentioned before you make a purchase. If you don’t make the right choice, you might end up losing money.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now understand what you need to know before you purchase a grow tent. Good luck!